I'm not sure classic artists such as this ever truly need a comeback, nevertheless, in the words of Jane's Addiction's new song, "Imminent Redemption": "Let's launch us a comeback, let's all make a comeback!" And come back, they have!
Jane's Addiction and Love and Rockets are co-headlining this 2024 tour, hitting 23 major cities such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Chicago. I had the honor of watching them perform at 713 Music Hall in Houston, Texas, on August 19th.
Strolling into the venue, I took a look at the gathering fans already crowding around the stage and lining up to get t-shirts. Both of these bands had a big following in the 80's and 90's but I could tell not only were there long time listeners in this audience there were brand new fans rounding out the crowd as well.
As the crowd grew and the lights dimmed, Love And Rockets took their places on stage. Daniel Ash, vocalist, wore a sequined silver suit and shades, looking like the ultimate rock star. David J. on bass and Kevin Haskins behind the drums were about to give it everything they had as the music began to swell and everyone settled in. Launching in with "The Light," "Kundalini Express," followed by "No Big Deal," the audience sang along to every word. By the time Love and Rockets got to "So Alive," everyone was feeling exactly that! The energy on the stage lasted through out their set, each member adding their own personality to the ensemble.

Love And Rockets at 713 Music Hall
Then part two of the night began. Perry Farrell, vocalist, strolled out to the edge of the stage to greet the fans, and looked incredibly happy to be there. Dave Navarro, guitarist, took stage right with a red feather in his hat and bassist Eric Avery was opposite him. Sitting in the back, but still front and center, was drummer Stephen Perkins. Like Love And Rockets, each member is the OG line-up for the band. That's a really impressive status, considering these band's longevities. Starting of with "Kettle Whistle," Farrell's unmistakable voice filled the air. "Ocean Size," "Mountain Song," as well as the new release, "Imminent Redemption," which has that consistent Jane's Addiction flair, were welcomed like old friends getting together after along absence. As Farrell began the opening lines to "Jane Says," it took me back to my freshman year of high school, sitting in the back of my dad's station wagon loaded up with my best girl friends singing it with so much feeling, parts of it so relevant to what we were going though at the time. The audience seemed reflective and maybe a little bit enamored by the legendary Jane. Perhaps they have known a Jane, or perhaps they are a Jane. Maybe we all are her as we figure out life and love and endure struggles as a young person. There wasn't too much time to dwell in that collective space, though, because the band kept going, keeping pace with the audience cheering and belting out lyrics. The night ended with "Been Caught Stealing," a flippant ode to the five-finger discount. Then Farrell took those five fingers and waved adieu to the Houston crowd. The tour will continue on to Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Florida before heading up the East Coast.

Jane's Addiction 713 Music Hall in Houston, Texas