Coming from Murray Hill, NYC, your new favorite band, Shower Beers, is here. The band is a crazy blend of pop-punk and alt-rock and they are nothing short of masters in their craft. The band may have only just formed in 2022, but they are on their way to take the music scene by storm. With over 6,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, it is no wonder why their songs have so many streams. While the music is phenomenal, my favorite part is the ode to those crazy song titles from the early 2,000's. With titles like "Pete Wentz Doesn't Know The Name Of Our Band", "You Can't Find These Big Waves, Cuh (London Intro)", & "Listen To Levels", how could you not love them?

The song I need to talk about is "Static City, USA". The song has all the makings of being a pop-punk anthem. With catchy lyrics, killer rhythm, and a beat that makes you want to move your feet, this song would have KILLED if played on a Warped Tour stage. Just picture it: you're driving home after school, your friends are in the car, "Static City, USA" is blasting on the stereo, and there is not a single care in the world. Just a "Chef's Kiss" of a moment. It is so refreshing to see a band take something and make it seem brand new and fun.
The band three very simple goals: 1) Release punch-you-in-your-mouth pop punk that gets your pregame popping, 2) Take over Murray Hill, NYC, & 3) Get 2021 Pro Bowl receiver Hunter Renfrow on the cover of Madden NFL. Well... I don't know about the second or third goal of theirs, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the first goal? Absolutely achievable. Get on your streaming platform, type in "Shower Beers", and get this pregame going people! Why are you still here?! Go!
You're still here? You're still reading? That's fine. Now you have to buy tickets to see Shower Beers live on November 9th here. Those are the rules!
FFO: Green Day, Rise Against, Simple Plan