Rising pop punk star HVSHI has announced his forthcoming EP, beautiful, broken, due out December 15th. Of the EP, HVSHI has stated, “It’s okay to be broken and there is still beauty in that. That you’re always beautiful no matter what you’ve been through. That you have the strength and power to keep goin.” Originally the solo project of Shaden Nugent, it has grown to include Davey Banks as well. I had the opportunity to chat with HVSHI this week about the EP, and more!
MSM: For anyone who may not have heard of HVSHI yet, how would you explain your sound, and why should they check you out?
We'd like to think of our sound as a whirlwind of pop-punk, blues, and hip hop while drawing inspiration from the mid-west emo movement. Besides the immense energy and passion we bring to our live show, our music encompasses a spirit of life, youth, and relatability as we share our experiences.
MSM: Who are some of your biggest influences and how have they helped to shape your sound?
That's a real hard one... we listen to everything! Joan Jett, Everclear, Kid Cudi, Lil Lotus, Green Day, Wiz Khalifa, Rolling Stones, Ray Charles, Nirvana... there's way too many. Haha.
MSM: How do you approach the songwriting process, and from where do you draw inspiration?
Honestly, the songwriting process is as simple as discussing whatever is weighing on the heart/mind at the moment and jamming some guitar until we have something we want to start recording. It's nice living with your bandmate so the music happens naturally. We draw most our inspiration for our songs from this human experience.
MSM: You have announced your latest EP. Can you talk about the creative process behind it, and any themes or messages that you are hoping to convey?
This EP, beautiful, broken, really developed over a matter of a few years. There was a lot of hammer and go 10 hour days and building studios in our apartments and hotel rooms. The main feel of the project is young love and learning to grow and move on from things you never expected to. From losing lovers to deaths of loved ones, all the while touring and finding new heights, the world can be a beautiful but horrific place and you have to dig deep and find yourself.
MSM: Do you have a favorite song or lyric from the forthcoming EP?
One of our favorites is BWYT or "Boxing With Your Tongue" for sure. We wrote the song in a cabin in L.A. Sha wrote the lyrics while quite literally in the middle of trying to patch a failed long-lost love over the phone (didn't work).
MSM: What are your goals for your music career, and where do you see yourself in five years?
Our goals are to keep making music that we love and enjoy. We want to keep growing, do bigger tours and festivals, and get our songs on the charts. Looking forward to gaining some maturity in ourselves and the industry in the coming years.
MSM: Are there any artists that you’d recommend that people may not have heard of?
Big shoutouts to some music we love and know is Rio Wiley, Crimmins, this Modern, Johnny Franco, Electric Pussycats, Sorry X, KRXS, Diva Bleach, and Sundressed. Also big shoutout on our project to Mike Snoody (Snoody Productions), Austin Jones, Thaddeus Hornung, Chase Warren, Chris Crimmins, and Thary for all the hard work you put into this project with us.
MSM: What else are you passionate about besides music?
Sha truly enjoys drift cars although we don't have money or time to actually do the build that he dreams of... he also likes skateboarding, moto, and hanging with his brothers/family.
Dave's main pleasures are reading, watching old movies about history, and being out in the wilderness.
MSM: What’s a fun fact that people may not know about you?
Sha's fun fact: He actually skipped 7th grade and graduated highschool with his Associate's Degree (before losing his mind).
Dave's: He is obsessed with dinosaurs and knows almost every species.. also has massive Lord of the Rings figurine battle setup.
MSM: Is there anything else that you’d like to share with your fans?
Lastly, we would just like to mostly thank our fans so much for showing up, supporting, streaming our music, and buying our merch. You guys are the absolute best and the only reason we even get to do any of this and keep us on the road doing shows. We love you and can't wait to meet all of you out there on tour someday!