Cali Morris may just be the next big thing in pop music. The Ohio resident started singing at age 3 and made it onto American Idol by age 15. Now, at 17, she's preparing to release her highly-anticipated second original song, "Not Over U". With a beautifully soulful voice far beyond her years, this is one pop star to keep an eye on. Read on for my chat with Cali about her experiences and what we can expect from her in the future.
Hi, I'm Melanie, and I'm here with Cali Morris.
So, tell me about your journey with creating music. You started singing from a young age, but do you remember what might have ignited that passion for you?
So, when I was three, my dad had gotten me a guitar for Christmas and I just remember picking it up and I just fell in love with it. Like ever since that day, I would never stop singing. I mean, like, I would sing in the mirror with hairbrushes, I'd be singing around the hallways in the house, I'd be having headphones on...I mean, I don't think there's ever been a year since that day that I have stopped singing.
Yeah. Do you come from a musical family?
I don't actually, no.
Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
Billie Eilish. Olivia Rodrigo. Jessie Murph, too.
Okay. Do you remember the first concert you ever attended?
It was a Luke Bryan concert, actually. Cause it was, I think it was like two years ago and like, I went to his farm tour.
Yeah. What do you hope to achieve with creating music? Is there anything in particular that you want people to take away from your songs?
I want people to know that it's okay to go through hard times and stuff. It will get better. I know a lot of times when people are going through really hard times, regardless of what it is, like a lot of songs will help them cope with that. And I feel like it kind of just sends a message or it just kind of helps them cope with the fact that they're not the only one going through that. And I just wanna be inspiring as well because I'm 17, so I wanna inspire other kids that have dreams just in general to chase their dreams and that anything's possible.
Yeah. So, you're about to release your second original song, "Not Over U". What can you share about this song?
So, I went through a bad breakup and that's kind of what "Pieces" was about as well, but it was just more sad. "Not Over U" is more pop, and kind of gives you a happy vibe. It's a message that's pretty much saying I'm not over you, basically just kind of talking about how you will be in a relationship, you guys break up and then you're not over him, but you're gonna pretend that you are, like, you're pretending that you're fine. You're gonna pretend you're not stuck in his social medias and stuff like that. So yeah, it's kinda a little message, and it's kind of a funny song. Like, there's a bridge in the song that is just hilarious.
Okay. All right, looking forward to that one. How do you stay creatively inspired and motivated?
Well, so I do do covers on TikTok. I love doing those because a lot of people would just like give me like song recommendations and I'll go do them. I also sing pretty much every day. I think the big thing about keeping myself motivated is definitely keeping my head up and, you know, singing has not always just been a dream. It's also just been a part of me, like when I'm going through something. Just in general. Like, I go to music, you know, everybody copes in like different ways and music has always been mine. So I think that's another way of how I stay motivated is because I never get bored of it. And I just keep on carrying on.
Okay. What are your future goals and aspirations as a musician? Like, where would you like to be in the next few years?
So, I would like to get signed soon. And one of my goals is to have a hit song. Because I would love to go on tour and just step out on a stage with like a ton of people. I feel like my inner child would just be so happy and I feel like my life would be made, you know? Cause I feel like it's just always been singing, singing, singing, so I just feel like stepping out on a stage full of crowds of people, I just feel like my life would be made in that moment. So, that's definitely like where I'd wanna be in the next couple years is like out there, have like a hit song soon or later, just eventually sometime in my life.
So, what did you learn from your time on American Idol? Did you learn anything like from the other performers?
So, a lot of people were like really nervous and I was nervous too, but one thing that I did learn was to keep your head up and to support others. Even though it is a competition and you're competing for a spot and you're competing for that ticket, everybody was just so friendly. And we still talk today, like we made lifelong friendships, which I love. We didn't make it anything competitive, and we were so supportive of each other. I think that's really important. And also I did learn, too, that everything happens for a reason. And you just keep following your dream, you know? And because this may have happened for a reason, because you may have a bigger plan in store for you or a bigger opportunity.
What was your audition song for American Idol?
So I sang "Elastic Heart" by Sia, and then I sang "Cloud Nine" by Beach Bunny. So I sang two songs.
Okay. Awesome. What's your motto or good advice that you live by?
Never give up. Have hope in everything that you do and always put in 150% effort everything that you do, because I don't wanna go do something. Right. And then I only put like a little bit of effort in it. I'm like, I could have done that better. I am like a very hard worker and I'm like hard on myself. So even if I'm just like making a singing video, I will sit there and do it until I get it right. Like, I'm like a perfectionist. Mm-Hmm. So yeah, I live by like, you know, try to live life and no regrets and always just keep your head high, be there for others, spread positivity, chase your dreams, and everything happens for a reason. Mm-Hmm. and yeah.
Okay. And the last question I have for you is, what closing messages would you have for your fans?
I wanna tell them that I'm just so thankful for them and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I just wanna thank them for all the support, and I absolutely just love them so much. And I know a lot of them look up to me, and I just wanna tell them that if they have a dream, whether it's singing or anything else, just chase it and never give up and do not care what people have to say. Just keep your head up and you just keep chasing it.