I’ve come across the next big band to come out of the heavy music scene: vide. The band performed just the other day, January 25th, in Houston, TX at The Secret Group opening for Necrofier. The band is comprised of a new line up and I have a feeling it is only a matter of time until everyone is talking about the band.

Photo Credit: Israel Mendoza
Listed on the band’s Instagram is the bio “Bayou black metal” and my god, that is one of the most accurate descriptions I’ve ever read for a band. From what I have heard and seen, vide looks and sounds like they were ripped straight from a horror movie set in the swamps of your nightmare. Take their song, “Death roll.” The song sounds like fear incarnated. As the riffs and basslines hit your ear drums and eventually accompanied by the slow yet menacing drumming, the hair on the back of your neck cannot help but stand up. As soon as the demonic vocals come through the audio, there is nothing left to do but pick your jaw off the ground as you are serenaded by the sounds of chaos.
The band’s 2023 release, The Parish, is another prime example of the unique sound of the band. Each track is an even more insane song than the prior one. If there was ever to be another remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I would hope someone from the studio reaches out to the band because their sound is PERFECT for that film.
Photo Credit: J Clark
I said it before, but I will say it again. This line-up is sure to bring the rise of vide. Who knows what the future has in store for the band, but I just know that I am hopeful that they can travel to other Texas cities like Dallas so I can experience this live.