Over the past few years I had the luxury of discovering Illinois' VCTMS. The band has slowly worked their way to one of the most played bands on my Spotify. Their music is perfect for the gym, road trips, and even grocery shopping. This past Friday the 13th, the band came out with easily the top album of the year: Vol. V The Hurt Collection. This album is an absolute banger from start to finish.

VCTMS - Dallas, TX - Fear & Dagger Tour
Let me give you a quick run down of the album. First off, what an absolute genius way to start an album off. "Twist the Rage" is the first song on the album and upon first hearing it, you think "Oh snap, VCTMS has gone soft". I feel the band wanted fans to think that because it immediately jumps into a CRUNCHY breakdown! One of my personal favorite tracks is "Feed the Vice". Released as a single back in May, the song is an absolute mosh inducer! And, are you kidding me? If hearing the lyrics "It's not my fault someone never loved you enough" accompanied by some beatdown music doesn't make you want to just punch something, you're lying. But, the heavy doesn't stop there. Another top contender for favorite song on the album is a tie between "Ghost // Pains" and "Displacement". The songs still brings the heavy but in an emotional way. They both are those types of songs where you listen, and need to start it over as soon as it finishes. Each time, I discover or hear a different snip of the lyrics that leaves my jaw on the ground. I've easily listened to this album 3 times a day since the release and I'm not going to stop.
Listen. I'm not saying that you're wrong if you say this album doesn't skyrocket VCTMS to the front of metalcore, but you are. You're wrong. This album is everything that metalcore is needing right now. From emotional lyrics to expert level musicianship to a drive to be the best band on the face of the planet, VCTMS is that band. Just go and listen to the album, and then go click the link below to support the band!
You. Will. Not. Be. Disappointed.

VCTMS - Dallas, TX - So What?! After Party
Pick the album up & support them band!