And yet, here I am. Using all of these first person words and talking about myself. Me. I. Hello. I’m the problem, it’s me. Nice to meet you all. I’m Rich and I’m assuming that you have some level of familiarity with me if you’re reading this. If not, welcome! Please stick around and I promise to try and reign things in a bit.
So, now that introductions are out of the way, you might be wondering why I chose this moment to break through the fourth wall and address you directly like a modern day Zach Morris. It’s because we’re talking about Local H playing The Metro, a sentence that could only be more Chicago if it was dipped twice and smothered in giardiniera. It’s because Local H at The Metro is a show that 1998 me would have snuck out of the house to attend, if I was old enough to drive or cool enough to do things like sneak out of the house. It’s because The Metro, my favorite Chicago venue, is spending this year celebrating its 40th birthday just like I am. It’s because, even after 30+ years as a band, Local H at The Metro still means something in Chicago, especially when closing out an event as awesome as CIVL Fest, a month-long city-wide festival that funds everything from venue staff & artist mental health programs and safety initiatives to equal access & equity campaigns. Organized by the Chicago Independent Venue League and bringing in support from Shiner and Chicago’s own Heet Deth, Local H was set to kick off CIVL Fest’s closing weekend and 14 year old me was ready to re-live the days of my youth listening to them on Q101, hopefully with way less teen angst and general awkwardness than the first time around.

Also, these dudes can ROCK. Not that I was expecting a church choir or anything, but wow did they rock.

(There’s also the tiny detail that Local H has an entire song dedicated to how sick they are of songs about California. I’m sure that didn’t help.)
Turns out it was their loss, and anyone else that hasn’t been listening to Local H for the last 25+ years. The bad news is that you can never fix those Local H-less years of your life. The good news is that, as a band that’s been steadily recording and touring for that many years, you’ve got a wide variety of studio albums, live tracks, EPs, concert films, and a whole bunch of fantastic covers to get caught up with.
With that much ammunition at their disposal, a band like Local H can go in just about any direction with their setlist. With this being a hometown show at a venue they’ve played a whopping 38 times prior, guitarist/vocalist Scott Lucas and drummer Ryan Harding tore through cuts so deep, it was like a rock and roll hatchet buried all the way to the bone. How deep? If you look at the band’s top 20 songs on iTunes, only six of them were played amongst the 18 song set the Metro crowd moshed their way through, touching on nine albums and EPs from their 30+ year history. On top of all that, Harding was also on baby watch, and actually had to leave the show partway through due to potential delivery (turned out to be a false alarm And he was back behind the kit a few songs later).
Taking a shot with the crowd before closing out the night, the group of varying ages and creeds that made up the crowd, it felt like a homecoming. There’s something special about a band that can play a venue for almost the fortieth time and still make it feel like a once-in-a-lifetime event. But here we were, 1,100 rowdy fans feeling in their bones that it was 1996 all over again. Or 2002. Or hell, how about 2023? Doesn’t matter. All that matters, regardless of the year, is getting together and rocking out.
And when it comes to that, no one has rocked, continues to rock, and will always rock Chicago like Local H.
And I got to be there without having to sneak out of the house.

Defy and Surrender
All-Righ (Oh, Yeah)
Cooler Heads
Winter Western
Leon and the Game of Skin
Turn the Bow
Another February
Hands on the Bible
California Songs
No Fun
Fritz’s Corner
All the Kids are Right
Heavy Metal Bakesale
High-Fiving MF