Stand Atlantic has been going from strength to strength in recent years, and rolled into Glasgow on the back of their latest record, Was Here, that dropped last month. The band is no stranger to Glasgow, having played here a good few times now, but this was their first headliner here since 2022. St. Luke’s was the backdrop for tonight’s show, an old church converted into a beautiful music venue.
The opener for tonight’s show came in the form of Aussie rock band Slowly Slowly. The band has been on the go for a while and gained a good following, so it was no surprise that the fans absolutely loved them. It’s never easy for an opener on a tour to really get their brand across to the fans, but Slowly Slowly did a great job of this. They sounded excellent live and carried themselves with a level of confidence that immediately allowed the crowd to trust that these guys knew what they were doing. The set was a mix of old and new songs, and they closed out with the brilliant "Blueprint". I’d definitely try to see them again.

TikTok sensation Honey Revenge was up next, bringing a real sense of colour and energy to proceedings. Vocalist Devin Papadol’s bright pink hair was matched by her infectious energy on stage. Honey Revenge is a band that has played Glasgow plenty of times in their short tenure as a band, so the crowd here was no stranger to them. The band played a set jam-packed with catchy pop rock
songs, including massive hits "Airhead" and "Rerun". I think a lot of people overlook Honey Revenge based on their online presence; however, they absolutely hold their weight in a live setting. They sounded fantastic live and I would urge anyone who likes groovy pop rock to get to one of their shows.

Now that the crowd at St. Luke's was thoroughly warmed up, it was time for the main event of the evening, the Australian pop punk juggernaut that is Stand Atlantic. It was an absolutely mammoth set on this tour with 20 songs on the setlist- talk about getting your money’s worth. Having looked at the other dates on this tour so far, this seemed like a more intimate set up, and I am absolutely here for it. The lights dimmed and the intro played. Dramatic stage lighting built the anticipation as Stand Atlantic took to the stage. Opening with "WAKE UP-SIT DOWN-SHUT UP" brought a full force of energy from the get-go. Some older fan favourites bolstered the raucous opening of the set with "Hair Out" followed by "Jurassic Park," sending crowd surfers over the barrier at some rate. The powerful set just kept on going with massive song after massive song, the crowd eating up every second of it.
Bonnie Fraser was a tremendous presence on the St. Luke's stage, conducting the crowd like it was her own personal orchestra. Her great live vocals perfectly accompanied a really tight live sound from the band. Stand Atlantic did a really good job throughout the night of mixing in the hits and new songs, maintaining the energy in the room. With all that movement, there really needed to be a break, and that came in the form of Toothpick. Phone lights filled the venue as the crowd sang along word for word. After this, we were in the home stretch, back in with the high energy songs. We got the massive hit "Deathwish" before an encore of "Coffee At Midnight" and "GIRL$", with a special appearance by Dev from Honey Revenge.
This set was an absolute blast from beginning to end. Stand Atlantic is a band that just keeps getting better when you thought they were already at their peak. I would highly recommend getting out to a show as they are incredibly fun.